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The tcACCESS SQL-Engine provides a direct access to data residing on the IBM mainframe platform directly from different Open System environments or other IBM mainframe platforms. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports following data structures on the mainframe:

  • DB2
  • IMS/DB and DL/I
  • CA-Datacom/DB
  • VSAM
  • Sequential Files
  • SQL access to 3270 Screens

SQL access to DB2

The tcACCESS SQL-Engine provides a direct access to DB2-tables from different Open System environments or mainframe platforms. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports the join of information from DB2-tables with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. VSAM, IMS, ADABAS). 

The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.


  • Dynamic DB2-access with automatic use of DB2 key-information for an efficient access
  • Transaction-support with 2 Phase Commit
  • Usage of DB2 table- and column-information
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of DB2-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. PDS/PS, VSAM, IMS, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS) using standard SQL-commands
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users
  • Any connectivity method supported (TCP/IP, SNA, MQ-Series, HLLAPI)

SQL access to IMS/DB and DL/I

The tcACCESS SQL Engine provides a direct access to IMS or DLI-databases from different Open System environments or mainframe-platforms using SQL-syntax. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. 

tcACCESS supports the join of information from IMS or DLI-tables with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. VSAM, DB2, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS, PDS/PS). The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.



  • Dynamic IMS or DLI-access with automatic use of key-information for an efficient access
  • Transaction-support and 2 Phase Commit
  • Intelligent import functions for META-data to obtain table- and structure-definitions for the relational access
  • Analysis of PSB- and DBD-definitions to decide access strategy
  • Support of logical databases and secondary indexes
  • Support of multiple record-types and segment-structures
  • Processing of keyed and non-keyed segments
  • Relational processing of IMS-hierarchies through SQL-commands or IMS Path-Calls
  • Support of "Virtual Tables" for segment-structures that contain OCCURS and OCCURS DEPENDING ON
  • Automatic detection and presentation of key-information to simplify creation of relations and joins with other data-sources
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of IMS- or DLI-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. PDS/PS, VSAM, DB2, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS) using standard SQL-commands
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users
  • Any connectivity method supported (TCP/IP, SNA, MQ-Series, HLLAPI)

SQL access to ADABAS

The tcACCESS SQL Engine provides a direct access to ADABAS-databases from different Open System environments or mainframe-platforms using SQL-syntax. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports the join of information from ADABAS with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS, PDS/PS). 

The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.



  • Dynamic ADABAS-access with automatic use of key-information for an efficient access (Descriptors, Super-Descriptors, Hyper-Descriptors)
  • Transaction-support and 2 Phase Commit
  • intelligent import functions for META-data from ADABAS PREDICT to obtain table- and structure-definitions for the relational access
  • Native SQL-support of the High-Performance Access Technology of ADABAS
  • Support of redefinitions
  • Support of "Virtual Tables" for data-structures that contain "Multiple Fields" and "Periodic Groups"
  • Automatic recognition and presentation of key-information
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of ADABAS-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. PDS/PS, IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS) using standard SQL-commands
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users
  • Any connectivity method supported (TCP/IP, SNA, MQ-Series, HLLAPI)

SQL access to CA-Datacom

The tcACCESS SQL Engine provides a direct access to CA-Datacom-databases from different Open System environments or mainframe-platforms using SQL-syntax. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports the join of information from CA-Datacom with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, ADABAS, CA-IDMS, PDS/PS). 

The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.


  • Dynamic CA-Datacom-access with automatic use of key-information for an efficient access
  • Transaction-support and 2 Phase Commit
  • intelligent import functions for META-data from the CA-Datacom Dictionary to obtain table- and structure-definitions for the relational access
  • Support of redefinitions
  • Support of "Virtual Tables" for record-structures that contain OCCURS and OCCURS DEPENDING ON
  • Automatic recognition and presentation of key-information
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of CA-Datacom-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. PDS/PS, IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, ADABAS, CA-IDMS) using standard SQL-commands
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users
  • Any connectivity method supported (TCP/IP, SNA, MQ-Series, HLLAPI)

SQL access to CA-IDMS/DB

The tcACCESS SQL Engine provides a direct access to CA-IDMS-databases from different Open System environments or mainframe-platforms using SQL-syntax. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports the join of information from CA-IDMS with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, PDS/PS). 

The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.


  • Dynamic CA-Datacom-access with automatic use of key-information for an efficient access (CALC Keys or SET key-information)
  • Transaction-support and 2 Phase Commit
  • Intelligent import functions for META data from CA-IDMS SCHEMA definitions to obtain table and structure definitions for the relational access
  • Native SQL-support of the High-Performance Access Technologies of CA-IDMS/DB
  • Any navigation in the CA-IDMS/DB network is supported (i.e. MEMBER-OWNER-FOLLOWER, MEMBER-OWNER-OWNER (back-chaining)
  • Support of redefinitions
  • Support of "Virtual Tables" for record-structures that contain OCCURS and OCCURS DEPENDING ON
  • Automatic recognition and presentation of key-information
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of CA-IDMS-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. PDS/PS, IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, ADABAS, CA-Datacom) using standard SQL-commands
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users
  • Any connectivity method supported (TCP/IP, SNA, MQ-Series, HLLAPI)
  • Support of DBKEY processing

SQL access to VSAM

The tcACCESS SQL Engine provides a direct access to VSAM-files from different Open System environments or mainframe-platforms using SQL-syntax. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports the join of information from VSAM-files with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. IMS, DLI, DB2, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS, PDS/PS). 

The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.


  • Support of all VSAM file-types (KSDS, ESDS, RRDS)
  • Transaction-support and 2 Phase Commit
  • intelligent import functions for META-data to obtain table- and structure-definitions for the relational access
  • Support of multiple record-types
  • Support of "Virtual Tables" for record-structures that contain OCCURS and OCCURS DEPENDING ON
  • Support of alternate indexes
  • Automatic detection and presentation of key-information to simplify creation of relations and joins with other data-sources
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of VSAM-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. PDS/PS, IMS, DLI, DB2, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS) using standard SQL-commands.
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users
  • Any connectivity method supported (TCP/IP, SNA, MQ-Series, HLLAPI)

SQL access to 3270 screens and -applications

The tcACCESS SQL Engine provides an access to 3270 screens from different Open System environments or mainframe-platforms using SQL-syntax. Highlight of the tcACCESS technology is the flexibility and transparency. tcACCESS supports the join of information from 3270 screens with information from other, non-relational mainframe data-sources (i.e. IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, ADABAS, CA-Datacom, CA-IDMS). 

The end-user can use relational data-views that contain all data relevant to him. tcACCESS is responsible for the fast and efficient data-access.

An example can be to start a Windows application from a CICS program and pass data to it. The article information of the line where the cursor is is passed to WINWORD. A WINWORD macro takes the SUPPLIER number and performs an ODBC request to tcACCESS ODBC driver to get the address information for the letter from a VSAM dataset.

You can now reference "Result oriented data" and not "Base data". Your online applications are in place; they access the base data, manipulate it, process it and display the results on your 3270 screens. That is the data you want to use in your client/server or Web-applications. tcACCESS allows accessing this data with simple SQL statements.

The tcACCESS SQL Engine acts like a virtual terminal for the target online system. All functions normally performed by a terminal user to access the screen data are now being simulated by the tcACESS SQL Engine. The required data will be located, extracted and provided to the application that has initiated the SQL request.  The data from the 3270 screens can be joined with any other data source (i.e. IMS, DL/1, DB2, ADABAS, VSAM, etc). This will provide relational views that have not been possible before!


  • 3270-screens become relational resources
  • Dynamic access to 3270-screen maps and –map sequencesSupport of static and dynamic maps
  • Processing of screen data using SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, COMMIT, ROLLBACK
  • tcACCESS acts like a virtual terminal-user and performs the screen navigation through scripts
  • GUI-based creation of navigation scripts and capturing of screen sequences
  • Access to all 3270-applications of a VTAM-subsystem (CICS, TSO, IMS/DC, ROSCOE, ADS, COMPLETE etc.)
  • Flexible protection of data because of support of standard security systems (RACF, ACF2 etc.)
  • Transparent integration of 3270 screen-data with information from any other data-sources (i.e. CA-IDMS, IMS, DLI, DB2, VSAM, ADABAS, CA-Datacom) using standard SQL-commands
  • Support of data-views for individual or departmental users